At this stage our web specialist prepares to promote the website structure. This includes editing the template design, getting rid of trash in a html-code, setting up file indexing (robots.txt), increase download speed information. This is a basic foundation in seo-promotion but, oddly enough, many companies fail at this stage because of the low quality specialists.
Search engine optimization and organic search ranking improvement (SEO USA) – a set of measures to substantially increase the attendance of the web resource with potential customers .This method of attracting target customers is a lot more effective than traditional marketing technologies such as print, outdoor, TV and radio advertising. Every year the popularity of ordering products and services increases twice.
Properly organized search engine optimization allows you meet the right target audience at a lowest cost of contact with a potential client.
Desired effect (increase in the number of visitors and salescalls) is achieved through a systematic boost of your website for search engine’s ranking using specific requests (for example, “moving company,” “wellness center”, ” Furniture Store “,” pizza delivery “,” rent a car “).
Preparation and selection of the right keywords that represent the theme of your website e-commerce store – Success SEO optimization. Of course without the kernel you can display the site in the top 10, but the flow of traffic in this case would still be significantly lower than the web resource, which has correctly formulated the semantic core.
After selecting the right kernel you must pay attention to the content writing using needed keywords. Writing good seo texts – one of the key objectives for high organic ranking, which is successfully used by many webmasters and owners of the resources, because you don’t need any technical knowledge and the network is full of information.
After filling the website with related content, you must do an internal linking between website posts and pages. Interlinking is the process of placing links leading from one article or page to another. When you do it right way search engines easily index the old and new documents. As a result – possibility of reaching better ranking results without significant cost. Many SEO companies delegate this phase to special plug-ins and extensions which often has a negative impact on the overall promotion and won’t give as good effect as if it is done manually.
Another step of SEO is a purchase of third-party links for it. There also are special services and exchanges, where you can find those who is ready to host a link to a third-party site and those who can buy those links. The downside of this phase is it’s high cost and the need in knowledge finding worthy candidates for the reference donation.
Anyways the best way is to do it manually – choosing right “donors” with high-quality content and high ranking.
Permanent – ongoing analysis – must be done after every SEO Step, some of them like internal links, new keywords can be reconsidered at any moment. You can always see what’s going on with help of Google Search Console, Google Analytics and etc. For external links checking and more deep analyse you can also use paid services, for example Ahrefs or MOZ
Design Analytics – layout AB testing for better user experience, and other features can be also very helpful.